Acquisition Business Consulting
About Us
Jim McElroy was with Mail Boxes Etc. and The UPS Store from 1994 to 2019.
He has over 30 years of successful experience matching hundreds of Buyers and Sellers of The UPS Stores, with over 80 Million Dollars in Business Sales.
Jim is considered to be one of the foremost authorities of evaluating and marketing of The UPS Stores in the Country.
He has owned very successful The UPS Stores and is a Multiple Award Winner in Franchise Development and Support for over 2 decades.
Jim’s company ABC is solely focused on the fair marketing of Established The UPS Stores.
When I started in 1994 as an assistant manager there were 21 Mailboxes Etc. in Atlanta and over 50 pack and ship competitors. I managed the flag ship training store on Peachtree Road and supported the Franchise Owners in the Atlanta Area.
In 1995 I went into franchise development and helped develop over 300 stores in the southeast for almost 3 decades.
I have owned and operated successful The UPS Stores and know how they run.